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Hostel & Residences


In QUEST, Nawabshah, there are 10 Boys/Girls Hostels in the Campus; 07 for Boys and 03 for Girls. Moreover, a third Block for girls is also under construction and 1st floor of this Hostel has been handed over to the Hostel Management and girls students are also residing there. One Boys Hostel block is also under construction and is on final stage. Each Boys Hostel has the capacity of 180 students for accommodation and 108 for Girls students. All the Hostels are located at a walking distance from the Academic Blocks of the University.

• Mess Facilities for Students: A group of students not less than 20 and not more then 60 or the number as may be fixed by the Provost (Hostels) who may wish to run their Mess, shall obtain such prior permission on Prescribed Form from the office of the Provost (Hostels) on the recommendation of the concerned Warden.

• Security System at Hostels:University Administration has provided all the time regular and high alert Security System in the all Boys/Girls Hostels. When any student/visitor want to enter into the Hostel, their STUDENTS’ ID CARDS, CNIC & bags etc. are checked properly with Advance Machines. The relevant data is also recorded in the books of visitors. So, as to maintain the tranquil atmosphere at Hostels.

• Emergency Services:At present, one Male Medical Officer and one Female Medical Officer in evening shift are available in the Dispensaries at Boys/ Girls Hostels with their staff to provide the health facilities. Besides, Edhi Welfare Ambulance Services is also in our direct contact for 24 hours to cope with emergency situation. 9.2 English Language Centre 63

• Under Construction Boys/Girls Hostel Blocks: In order to give the accommodation facilities keeping in view the increasing strength of our students one new Boys Hostel and one new Girls Hostel are under construction and are on final stage. It is expected that these Hostels will be handed over to Hostel Administration within month’s time. Besides, 1st floor of New Girls Hostel has been handed over to Hostel Management. Moreover, two separate Blocks for Bachelors’ and Foreigners’ are also under construction.

• Visiting Faculty Hostel:This Hostel is available at QUEST, where accommodation and food facilities are being provided to Visitors, Scientists, Scholars and other prominent personalities.

• Eligibility for Hostel Accommodation:Such students are to be considered eligible for hostel accommodation, who submit an application on prescribed form, which is available in the office of provost (Hostels). These are considered as per Hostel Rules/ Regulations depending upon availability of seats.

• Conduct & Discipline:In addition to Rules of conduct which are being revised time to time, shall constitute, act of indiscipline and violating of Hostels’ discipline. In case of violation of Hostel Regulations a disciplinary action will be taken against those students. The Provost (Hostels), Deputy Provost (Boys/ Girls Hostels), which are appointed amongst the senior teachers of the University to look after the all the affairs of the Hostels.

At present:

•Engr. Iftikhar Ahmed Koondhar
Provost (Hostels)
Ph: 0244-9370381-5,Ext.: 3250

• Engr. Nasreen Nizamani
Deputy Provost Ext: 2536


Quaid-e-Awam University
Sakrand Road, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan
Ph#: 0244-9370381-5

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