Director Message

I am Dr. Intesab Hussain Director of Industrial liaison. As you know our community is facing lots of problems. is trying to fix those problems while we are actively contributing in society like wise, providing technical skills, to many students who are poor and not able to pay huge amount of feeses to complete their education. We are trying to fix the problems or issues related with health we are providing expensive medicines in those areas which is neglected or less facilited with medical accessories. we are provided many types internship in our generation because they can learn practically. we have many links with biggest company whose provided best internship for our student.

Internships give students opportunities to apply what they have learned in the classroom, learn and practice appropriate workplace behaviors, build on strengths and address weaknesses, and discover future directions as they begin their professional careers. Include the basics. Write about what makes you unique (people hire people) Give concrete examples of what you have done and why it is relevant for the job. Be prepared – Know the basics about the company. Mastering Technical Skills.Vision: β€œTo produce professional graduates to cater the socio-economic requirements of the national and international market for sustainable development. ”