Civil Engineering Department
Civil Engineering is one of the oldest fields of engineering. It is art of designing infrastructure of the society such as homes, roads, airports, bridges, river control, canals, railways and other infrastructures.
Civil Engineering can be found in all areas from small private organization to multi-national companies, which lead the civil engineering to wide-ranging and ever demanding disciplines.
Developing countries like Pakistan have higher demand for infrastructure than the developed countries. Public sector universities in Sindh Province have always strived hard to cater the needs of the industry of the region but still there is dearth of Civil Engineers.
In view of that increasing demand of civil engineers, Government of Pakistan in 2009, decided to establish engineering college at Larkano to cater the demand of higher education to the people of the region. The college is recently upgraded to QUEST Campus Larkano. The establishment of this institute comprises four departments including Civil Engineering Department. The department provides Civil Engineering education based on the needs of the engineering industry where the graduates will work as professional engineers.
To turn out to be department of excellence that encourages Civil
Engineers with state-of-the-art technical capabilities and promotes very
high-quality research to encounter the challenges in Civil Engineering
To offer Degree programmes in Civil Engineering and other skill
development courses which are based on the requirements and needs
of engineering industry. To promote high quality education, research
and technical skills, to provide state-of-the-art foundation to address
paramount issues in a congenial learning environment and to train the
students for moral and ethical values such as caring, sharing, honesty,
fairness, responsibility, and respect for self and others

The department has four class rooms each with capacity of at least 60 students. Each class room is equipped with all facilities of lecture delivering. The department has six laboratories where students perform their practical. Each laboratory is equipped with modern equipment.